About me!

Hello! I'm L0Nii210 (or just Lonii)!!!! I'm the GOAT (literally) that does art and plays games.
More About Me:
Pronouns: any
(I have no preference/i do not care)
Age: a child
Birthday: May 8th
Height: 151 cm (4'11")
Sexuality/Gender Identity: Unlabeled
Likes and Dislikes:
Drawing, Animating, Rigging Vtuber Model, Project: Eden's Garden, Videogames (fps, 2d fighters, jrpg, etc.) Mechanical Keyboard, Pink and Yellow, Coding, Musicals, Light novels, you~ (maybe...)
league of legends, the colour green, triangles, sand, unneeded arguments, feeling useless and alone, the map from dora
My Favourite Characters
Kyoko, Peko, Maki, Kiibo
Killjoy, Neon, Fade
Naoto, Futaba, Mitsuru, Aigis
Aubrey, Kel
Jean, Sara
Bronya, Arlan, Xueyi, Fu Xuan, SW
Kumo Desu (LN):
Shiraori, Katia, Sophia
Spy Classroom:
Monika, Grete, Thea
Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Terrorist, etc. (just don't be an arsehole and you chillin')


Things I want to achieve!

~ Get noticed for my art online
~ Voice Act in something
~ Stream with 100 viewers
~ Get 100 subs on YouTube
~ Get 100 followers on Twitter
~ Get over 1k views on a YouTube
~ Rig a model for someone other than my irl friends

My Socials

Art Portfolio

Programs I can use:- Photoshop
- Premiere Pro
- Live2D
- After Effects (Learning)
- Krita (Learning)

Rigging Portfolio


Commission Information

About Commissioning Me:
As I am a minor, I am prioritising school so comms will be taken in moderation. Furthermore, I prioritise taking rigging over model art.
L0Nii 210
Prices (In USD for convenience):
Rigging (Model Art NOT INCLUDED):
Bust / Chibi: $40
Half Body: $150
Full body: $170
(model art & rig is an extra +$20)
All models come with 3 toggles and expressions. Extra toggles/expressions are an extra $3Prices may vary depending on how complicated the model is◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇What I can draw:
- People
- Animals (chibi only)
What I am learning to draw:
- Muscular body types
- Chubby body types.
- Gore
- Mecha
- Furries
What I won't draw:
- NSFW / things I deem uncomfy
- Heavy gore
Credit must be placed in the bio/description of your socials. This is merely so that if others like my work they can also reach out to me.